skipping over start and end tags?

  • is there an easier way than checking if CPObj is a starttag or an endtag in the ChangeCursorpos event to force the cursor to not be positioned on one of those tags? In other words, I want to automatically move the cursor to the next position if it is moved onto a start or end tag. Currently, without my added code, the cursor would appear to not move for one click of the cursor key if the user was moving the cursor over one of those tags since they take up a cursor position but not a printable character position.

    Sorry if this was a stupid question... but with seemingly hundreds of properties, sometimes I overlook the one that does the job. ;)

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    currently the cursor always steps one character, if object or not. There is no flag to change this behaviour - except for the form completion mode (ProtectedProps=[ppAllExceptForEditFields])
