tabbing between fields

  • Three questions:

    1. I know tab and CTRL+Tab moves forward and backwards through the different edit fields, but isn't the normal backtab a Shift+Tab? For example, a regular Windows form uses Tab and Shift+Tab to move fwd and backwards through the different fields, so wouldn't it be confusing for a user trying to navigate in a WPRichText when in form mode?

    1. when moving backwards, the cursor can sometimes be placed at the last char... how do I move it to the first char of a field in the OnEditFieldFocus event?

    3. It is not explained in the help file, but what is: EditOptions.wpTabToEditFields, and how does it relate to EditOptionsEx.wpTABMovesToNextEditField. I know what the latter does, but what does the other one do?


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    >>1. I know tab and CTRL+Tab moves forward and backwards through the different edit fields, but isn't the normal backtab a Shift+Tab? For example, a regular Windows form uses Tab and Shift+Tab to move fwd and backwards through the different fields, so wouldn't it be confusing for a user trying to navigate in a WPRichText when in form mode? <<I>

    if ssShift in Shift then
    else MoveToNextField(false);

    >>1. when moving backwards, the cursor can sometimes be placed at the last char... how do I move it to the first char of a field in the OnEditFieldFocus event? <<TextCursor>>3. It is not explained in the help file, but what is: EditOptions.wpTabToEditFields, and how does it relate to EditOptionsEx.wpTABMovesToNextEditField. I know what the latter does, but what does the other one do? <<

    wpTabToEditFields was forgotten when doing the move from version 4.It doesn't do a thing.
