Is WPTools "threadsafe" and does RB export to pdf

  • I'm evaluating this product and need to make sure I can export a ReportBuilder report with wpRichtexts on it to PDF and also do this in an Intraweb application. I have the eval version, and can print the ReportBuilder report with WPRichtexts to screen and to printer, but printing to PDF, or HTML -the WPRichtexts don't render. I am wondering if this is a limitation of the eval version or a problem with WPTools/RB compatibilty. I need to know this before we purchase. Can anyone tell me if they have sucessfully exported an RB report with WPDBRichtexts reading from HTML stored in a blob field, to PDF? (using RB, or Pragnaan PSRBDevices). An then also if they did this in a multi-threaded application like IntraWeb.

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    Please note,

    the TWPRichText is not threadsave, only the TWPCustomRTFEdit is - and only if the special precaution was taken to create a local 'envrioment'. Embedded into a RB report I would not expect threadsavety.
    In general treadsavety is not a trivial thing - esspecially not on multi processor machines. Here problems with the GDI are possible.
