Demo not working under D7

  • Hello,
    I want to test Pdfview, and so I downloaded the demo (V2).
    After installing the component, it said it didn't find the DLL, then I just removed the word 'demo' from its name and it worked.
    But now, when running the program, A message "Windowclass WPCubed_PDFVIEW_01" cannot be found!" appears, and the component doesn't seem to work at all in runtime.

    How can I Workaround this? I'm VERY interested in this product because other solutions I found are soooooo slow loading PDF files, and this PDFView loads them incredibly fast (at least in the demo program shipped with it).

    BTW, I cannot open in delphi the .DPR of the demo, it completely freezes Delphi!! - But this is less important, what I really need is to make the component run and test it...

    Any help, please??
    Thanks in advance,

    • Offizieller Beitrag


    I will post a new demo tomorrow (final V2 then)

    Please make sure the $define WPVIEWDEMO is enabled in file WPViewPDF1.pas.

    It will then load the Demo DLL.

    Please do *not* rename the Demo DLL.

    >> I cannot open in delphi the .DPR of the demo, it completely freezes Delphi

    If this happens please delete the RES and DOF files if there are any. This can alsways happen when opening a project compiled with a higher version of Delphi.

