Export from old version

  • Hello,
    we have an old application build with Delphi5 for handling medical reports.
    In this Applcation we used the WPtools 3.10 to store some strings and print with Report Builder 5.56. All the report are saved in a Blob field of our db and are RAF format. Now we have the problem to export these report in a pdf format. The Component we use is the TExtraDevice of Waler.com and it work but all the pieces of the report where was used the DBWPTRichText come out blank in the pdf files.
    I would try to do this export (print in pdf) with your wPDF tools but I have some problems, can you help me?
    I have installed the Package and I wont try to print the ArchivedFiles *.raf in pdf. As you say in your help file i should have the 'PDF Export (wpCubed GmbH)' device in the ReportBuilder Property but I see only the 'pdf' of the ExtraDevice what can I do? Is possible what I wont?
    Thank you

    Alessandro Persello

    • Offizieller Beitrag


    I am not sure if the provided RB interface works with RB5.x - it was created for RB7 and later. Unfortunately I cannot test it.

    Once the export works the WPTools elements would not be the problem, they will be exported fine and high quality as text (not bitmaps).

    Please try to add unit wppdfRBDev to your project.


  • Hi,
    I had allready tried to compile with the Unit wppdfRBDev but i recive this Error Message:
    "File not found ppBarCodDrwCmd.dcu" (I don't have this file on my HD)
    I tryed to comment it, eve if this is after this directive {$IFDEF REPBUILD9}.
    After this, the error message is the following:
    "File not found ppRichTxDrwCmd.dcu". (I don't have this file too)
    I do the same (comment).

    After the comment, in this pice of the Unit

    { TppwPDFDevice.StartPage }

    procedure TppwPDFDevice.StartPage(aPage: TppPage);
    if FFirstPage then FFirstPage := False;
    PDFPrinter.StartPage(Round(aPage.GetScaledWidth(100, utMMThousandths) / 25400 * Resolution),
    Round(aPage.GetScaledHeight(100, utMMThousandths) / 25400 * Resolution), Resolution, Resolution, 0);
    FOffSet.X := 0;
    FOffSet.Y := 0;
    if Assigned(FOnStartPage) then FOnStartPage(Self, aPage);
    {procedure, StartPage}

    the compiler give me this error:
    "undeclared identifier: GetScaledWidth"

    The following is my *.pdr test:
    program Export_in_pdf;

    MainU in 'MainU.pas' {Form1},
    wppdfRBDev in '..\..\3pD5\WPTools\WPDF3\wPDF\D5\wppdfRBDev.pas';

    {$R *.RES}

    Application.CreateForm(TForm1, Form1);

    Can you help me?
