• I have to interrelated questions regarding tab stops.

    A) There are a number of methods in TWPTextStyle that deal with tab stops, but I can not find a method to determine the number of tabs that have been entered at the start of a given paragraph. Is there a way to determine whether tabs have been placed at the front of a paragraph and if so how many?

    b) If I capture the first character of a paragraph that has a single implemented tab stop, it does not display a character, But it also does not appear to be blank. In the following example, evaluating the value copied from the first character location of the paragraph does not display a value, but it also does not evaluate as blank. In the following demo, the first showmessage displays no value, but the second showmessage does not execute

    tempString1: String;
    tempString2: String;

    tempString1 := tempParagraph.GetText;
    tempString2 := Copy(tempString1, 1, 1);


    if tempIndentString1 = ' ' then
    showmessage('Test = True');

    From the above, it would appear that the first character location of the paragraph that contains a tab contains some non visual character to represent the tab itself. How can I evaluate that first character location to determine whether it is a tab?



    • Offizieller Beitrag


    You can use


    TabstopGet(nr: Integer; var Value: Integer; var Kind: TTabKind; var FillMode: TTabFill; var
    FillColor: Integer);

    to read all tabs. In case nr is larger than the count of tabs Value will remain unchanged to 0.


    As usual tabs are implemented using the #9 character - that needs to be trimmed before you can use Copy(tempString1, 1, 1);


  • Julian

    I am now questioning basic functionality.

    If I set ViewOptions.wsShowTab := True and iterate through three paragraphs. The second of which has a tab at the start of the paragraph and (which can be seen visually via the displayed arrow) the tab count for all three paragraphs is 0. I would have expected the tab count for the second paragraph to be 1. (See code below)

    Am I confusing the number of tabs as defined in a style and the actual presence of one or more tabs in a paragraph?

    Do I need to examine the control characters of a paragraph to count the number of times #9 occures. If so, how do I actually examine in code the control characters associated with a paragraph?

    I appreciate your efforts in this matter and apologize for my confusion.
