Problems with WPTools 7, ppWPTools and Delphi XE5

  • We have tried to install ppWPTools in WPTools 7 with Delphi XE5 and ReportBuilder 15.01, but have some problems installing the ppWPTools package. We get errors compiling stating undeclared/missing identifiers in the ppWPToolsReg.pas and more, f.ex undeclared identifier: wpmHome.

    Now we have WPTools 7 Professional Bundle without ppWPTools installed, but are experiencing some problems with that as well. The installation went on without problems. When we create a new project, add a TWPRichText-component, add a BeforePasteText-event, everything turns red in the declaration. F.ex TWPRTFDataCollection is marked red as undeclared identifier. The adding of the component and saving the form adds the following to uses "WPRTEDefs, WPCTRMemo, WPCTRRich", but the identifiers does not become declared before I manually add WPRTEEdit.

    Hope someone can help us solve the problems.

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    I posted a new Version of the ppWPTools.pas, but actually the changes are few. Please see the Manual (PDF file) it lists the Units which have to added to "uses".

    In ppWPTools.pas this were the changes:

    Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls,
    Forms, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, Menus,
    ComCtrls, Dialogs, WPRTEDefs, WPRTEPaint, WPCTRMemo,
    ppClass, ppTypes, ppUtils, ppPopupMenus, ppDesignControls,
    ppDesignControlsEx, ppCtrls, ppDB, ppDevice, ppForms, ppPrintr,
    ppStrtch, ppViewr, ppDrwCmd, ppComm
      {IFDEF WPTOOLS7} ,WPRTEPlatform, WPRTEEdit, WPRTEDefsConsts {$ENDIF}

    procedure LoopFieldsB( {IFDEF WPTOOLS7} RTFData: TWPRTFDataCollectionBase; {$ELSE} RTFData: TWPRTFDataCollection; {$ENDIF}
    RTFDataBlock: TWPRTFDataBlock;
    par: TParagraph;
    obj: TWPTextObj;
    param: TObject);

  • Still getting error compiling with ppWPTools:

    - Dialog with the following error message
    Heading: Error reading form: frmppWPTEDit
    Message: Class TWPToolbar not found. Ignore the error and continue?

    After ignoring the error I get undeclared identifiers on the following
    - wpmHome
    - TLoadOptions
    - loIgnoreHeaderFooter
    and so on

    Remove ppWPTools from WPTools-prosject and all compiles.

  • Added the units manually and got one step further. Seems like the only thing remaining to get WPTools with ppWPtools to compile is this error in ppWPTools.pas

    Code at line 593:
    "if aDevice is TppGraphicsDevice then
    TppGraphicsDevice(aDevice).DrawBorder(Self, DrawRect);

    With the error: TppGraphicsDevice does not contain a member named DrawBorder.

    If I comment out the four lines, everything compiles perfectly.

    Many thanks for the help so far.