TWPPreview content not displayed properly after changing Parent property

  • Hi,

    The content of a TWPPreview gets lost if the parent changes.


    if (WPPV_Preview.Parent = Panel2) then begin    WPPV_Preview.Parent := (Panel1);    WPPV_Preview.LoadFromString('Test123');  end else WPPV_Preview.Parent := (Panel2);

    The example switches the TWPPreview between two panels.

    Furthermore, sometimes I get an access violations when loading content from stream.
    The access violation occurs at

    function TWPCustomRtfEdit.LoadFromStream(s: TStream; FormatName: string = ''; WithClear: Boolean = FALSE): Boolean;
    // ...
    Result := Memo.LoadFromStream(s, not IsEmpty, FormatName);

    I use the latest WPTools version from 07.10.2015 with Delphi XE8.

    This is an urgent issue as I am right closed to a new release.

    Thanks in advance :)
