Word split not working properly in layout mode of wplayShowManualPageBreaks

  • In wplayFullLayout, words split on white space, but in wplayShowManualPageBreaks, they split even on an apostrophe. Examples: Eric's, O'Conner, l’élaboration. In each of those cases, the words wrap at the apostrophe when in wplayShowManualPageBreaks mode, but stay together in wplayFullLayout mode.

    WPTools 9.2.003

    Delphi 10.4.2

  • When I toggle to what I call "Page View", I set these properties:

    And when toggling to what I call "Text View" I do this:

    Other than that I may have to send you a sample program to see what other property settings that might be causing this, but which would be the same for each layout mode.

  • I think it has to do with the data and the use of style sheets. I pulled out all the style sheets and it didn't make a difference but noticed something I don't understand. In one case, the word breaks as it should, and in another it doesn't. However, it doesn't matter which layout mode I am in, so that might be a different issue but might still be related to what I'll send you.