WPTools 9.3 history

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    *** WPTools 9.3.0 - 23.6.2022 ***

    + WPTools Premium now includes spellcheck with

    engine for WPSpell and HunSpell dictionaries (requires hunspell DLL)

    + auto tab after bullet. This can be diable using FotrmatOptionEx3: wpfDisableAutoTabForNumbers

    - fix problem with images loaded from HTML in aligned cells

    - improve width/height loading of images from html

    + wptblAlignWithinCurrentIndents for TableAdd

    + par.AGetDef() will return the default if par=nil

    + the XML interface now also reads CDATA elements

    - fix copy&paste problem of RTF text into empty table cells

    * improved DocX loading. Loads styles and images in difficult files

    * improvement KeepN support for table rows (activate also wpfDontBreakTableRows)

    + Support for DIP changes when moving a window:

    call WPRichText.UpdateMonitorDPI;

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    *** WPTools 9.3.1 - 24.7.2022 ***

    + new format string -dontwriteopengroups to not save püen groups in SaveSelection

    + new property ClipboardOptionsEx

    wpcoDontCopyParentGroupParagraphs to not copy the outer grops of select text

    + when PDF is exported with wPDF you can actiovate the tag <figure> using the $define TAGGEDPDF in WPObj_Image

    + function TWPRTFDataBlock.AppendParList

    - several improvements to stability, esspecially Undo/Redo

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    *** WPTools 9.3.2 - 19.9.2022 ***

    + with PDF export over-text images are now printed in the order of their anchors in the text and not grouped after the page content

    + more streamlined logic of WPReporter:

    ++ the header/footer bands inside groups now can use the "between" row setting. It was ignored before.

    To get the old behavior back $define the symbol IGNOREBETWEEN in file WPINC.INC

    ++ enhanced performace. If you experience slow reporting please first check your code. For

    example even logging code can introduce a preformance drop doe to slow TMemo or TListbox conmponents

    -- Under some circumstance footer bands were not used, i.e. after a group which was was hidden. This has been fixed.

    ++ added Options to WPReporter

    wpAllUndoOperationAsStream, // Stores text in template in a stream

    wpProcessGroupHeadersInAutoOrder, // Data groups first print all header

    wpProcessAllBandsInNaturalOrder // Process the header and footers in the order they are used in the template

    + improved editing of templates

    + the global variable wpDrawCurlyLinePixelWidth can be used to customize the misspell curly underline

    * enhanced undo/redo stability

    * many fixes and improvements in editor

    * change in RTF reader for better loading of tables

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    *** WPTools - 14.11.2022 ***

    * optimized the metrhod BeginUpdate/EndUpdate to avoid incompatibilities with previos version of WPTools

    * better table formating code

    - Fix in table cell resizing.

    + wpfClipNoWrapParagraph in FormatOptionsEx3. Cells or Paragraphs which use WPAT_NoWrap to disable the word wrap

    are now clipped at the right side. Chercacters after the end of the paragraph rectangle are not printed.

    Use with care, since this will cause text to not be displayed. Not compatible to right or center alignment!

    + New in FormatOptionsEx3 - if all are set the editor will reset the numbering in an empte new paragraph, even

    if the numbering was defined in the paragraph style

    wpCopyNumberSettingsFromStyleToParagraphs // This happens when assigning a style FIRST

    wpCopyNumberSettingsFromStyleOnEnter // This happens when assigning a style and ENTER at end of paragraph

    wpDisableNumberPropsInStyles // Do not use number props in style for formatting and display

    + The RTF reader now reads the shpz parameter for positioned images and reorders the anchors at the start of a paragraph.

    - fix of possible exception in Refresh after a Clear has been performed.

    - improvement for image rendering in header

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    *** WPTools - 9.12.2022 ***

    - fix problem: PDF export aout of invisible or dynamic editor missed images

    * change in HTML and XML reading class to early strip "" from parameter values in tags

    - fix rare range check error when a footnote was pushed to next page

    - fix problem when loading last paragraph style. basestyle was not loaded.

    + TableNormalizeColCount - powerful procedure which addjust the column count in one or all tables

    so all rows have same column count. It can also create colspan cells so the formatting only slightly changes.

    + StringList "Extra" in TParagraph if compile symbol PAR_HAS_EXTRA is defined (requires WPTools PRO)