Beiträge von longjohn

    Thanks , it works :)

    I have another question related to performance of appending.

    I've done the following test:

    1. Load doc2 from file

    2. Append 100 times to doc1 (which is empty)

    The code is in my fist post. I've tried also with LoadFromStream() at cursor position.

    I noticed that:

    - If I load the content from .rtf-file the time is about 6 minutes (on my computer)

    - If I load the content from .docx-file the time is about 1 second (on my computer)

    Is it possible the reason to be only the format differences ?

    Maybe I am missing some specific setting that affects the performance.



    For test purposes I use the following simple code to append one document to another several times:

      for var i: System.Integer := 1 to Count do
        doc1.CPPosition := $FFFFFFF;

    The result document looks as expected - all content is appended as sections.

    But I wonder is there another way to append - not as sections?

    Because currently if I want to change (for example) orientation of the result document in MS Word I have to Select All first and then change the orientation. Otherwise the orientation is changed only for a section.



    Thank you for the guidance :)

    We made some experiments with size of table, columns and cells and we've managed to get what we need with .rtf-template :)

    Do you have any idea about the other problem I described - with .docx-template:

    Some inner borders of the table which are set to be invisible in the template and after wptools processing the are visible.

    I've tried to hide/show all borders together, one-by-one etc. - but unfortunately no effect.

    It would be great if you could give some advice.

    Best Regards


    The problem is with WPTools 7.

    Here in the sample I copy the the file just for test - to see if the same effect will appear:

    "test1.docx" - without copy

    "test2.docx" - with copy

    But in my main application I need to keep original WPRichText unchanged as a "template" and have copies of it which I will modify with some dynamic data.


    I had a source.rft file and saved it as source.docx using MSWord (no changes - just SaveAs...) because I need to work with .docx from now on in my application.

    So I use this source.docx

    I don't have this problem with source.rtf file - table is fine there.

    Best Regards

    Hello :)

    I'm trying the do the following using TWPRichText:

    1. Load doc1 from file:

       doc1, doc2: TWPRichText;
       doc1.Header.PageSize := wp_DinA4;

    2. Save doc1 to file:


    3. Copy doc1 to doc2 using the following code:

    4. Save doc2 to file:


    I open the three files (source.docx, test1,docx, test2.docx) in MSWord.

    Please follow the link to see the screenshots of the files open in MSWord:

    <edit: sorry we do not allow links for security reasons>

    The saved files (test1.docx and test2.docx) the internal borders of the main table are visible.

    They are not visible in the original file (source.docx)