Beiträge von TWeigand


    when text is printed as contour with the activated modes wpTextAsGlyphs, wpRenderTextInPathAsGlyph and this code:

        OldBkMode := SetBkMode(Canvas.Handle, TRANSPARENT);
        Canvas.TextOut(X, Y, Text);
        SetBkMode(Canvas.Handle, OldBkMode);

    the glyphs are in the pdf source (Q 1 g 1 0 0 RG 20 w 1 J 1 j [] 0 d 1 0 0 1 0 0 cm q 0.064 0 0 0.064 192 -192 cm 1 0 0 rg 43 449 m 43 522 54 583 76 633 c 92 669 114 702 142 731 c 171 760 202 781 235 796 c 280 814 331 824 390 824 c ...) but nothing is shown in Acrobat.

    Is it possible to draw the contour of the characters?




    one further amendment:

    We also use the WorldTransformation for mirror printing (reflection in the XFORM structure).

    When i combine multiple transformations with these actions, the rotation is ok on every position if the page:

    1. Mirror/Reflection with SetWorldTransformation()

    2. Several rotations with ModifyWorldTransformation() + SaveDC/RestoreDC across the whole page


    it's not possible to avoid SetWorldTransform in our application in all cases, because we call an external DLL which draws a barcode on the DC and sometimes this has to be rotated in 1° steps.

    When i modify your LowLevel-Demo to resolution = 25400 and StartPage()-Height = 40 * res a PDF with a PageHeight of 1.016 mm is created.

    Unrotated (untransformed) content at the bottom of the page is shown in Acrobat Reader DC and in the PDF are coordinates > 32000. e.g. a rectangle and a line:

    ET 1 0 0 1 0 0 cm 1 g 0 G 2 w 1 J 1 j [] 0 d 139700 -965200 71120 -43180 re S 139700 -990600 m 210820 -990600 l S

    So, without WorldTransform is everything ok, with WorldTransform the transformation operates correct until a certain y position.

    What is the purpose of the mode switches wpAlwaysHighResPDF, wpNeverHighResPDF? I can't see a difference in the created PDF code.


    we added wPDF to an existing application which draws several objects (Text, Lines, Pictures) on different output canvas (Screen, Metafile, Printer) and now wPDF.

    The typical page sizes created by this application are very large (width up to 320 mm and height up to 1000 mm).

    The application uses internally coordinates in 1/1000 mm. For the existing canvas types we call the SetWindowExtEx()-Function to set the dimensions of the canvas so we can directly draw with the internal coordinates.

    So we can draw with the existing functions on the wPFD canvas the StartPage() is called with xres, yres = 25400.

    This works perfect until we use SetWorldTransform() to rotate the device context to draw a single rotated object.

    On top of the page the objects are rotated, but not after approx. 250 mm in the lower right of the page.

    The EMF created in DebugMode is ok.

    Can we create the page in another way so we can use our existing code and the world transformation still works.




    i want to draw CMYK images into the pdf.

    A test with DrawJPEG() with ColorMode = wpCMYKjpeg was not successful. The colors in the pdf are not correct (e.g. white turned to black).

    Are there special requirements for the JPEG format?

    Is it possible to use DrawDIBBitmap() for drawing CMYK images and is there a plan for supporting TIF?