Beiträge von Asmodeuss.ExE

    Hello, I tried to read an .HTML file, then I wanted that when reading that file it would bring its CSS attributes but it didn't work, after a lot of trying I observed that when I did a p{color:red;} in my CSS styles it did change color, but when used p{color:var(--redColor);} didn't work. (--redColor:red;), this is in html when viewed in any browser, obviously it is reflected but when it is read in wptools it is not, and I would like to know from now on I have to work my styles in the first way, Or is there a way to read the variables?

    Code I use to read the html and CSS:

     WPRichText.LoadFromFile( 'D:\temporal\GC 2023\pruebacss\test.html', true, 'AUTO-csspath:"style.css"');

    I already discovered the problem, it's because of the version of wp, before it only saved <p> tags, and now for some reason it wraps them in <div>, and in order not to complicate myself by modifying internal files that handle tags like "WPIO", I made an ansipos and then a replaceText

    I have tried to replicate a very old program that, in addition to doing several things, such as removing spaces between paragraphs or removing colors and other things, seeks to export a .rtf document to .html, but when it is exported, <p> tags are not generated, only <span> tags are generated, I would like to know if it is due to the new versions of WP, or is there a way to assign the file that I want to save the documents with those <p> tags.

    Normally for the procedures that make adjustments to the text or carry out any type of action I use TParagraph, with a "while", so that it reads paragraph by paragraph, but the need arose for me to work with styles which I need to work character by character , do not know with function, procedure, or tool could work to read character by character?, thanks