Beiträge von PAOLO VANINI

    Thanks for your answer,
    I used your code but my problem isn't solved.
    I view correctly my text printed with procedure 'PrepareStamp' but when I save the PDF and re-open it (with ADOBE or WPViewPDF) , the text printed with procedure 'PrepareStamp' isn't in the same position where I view it previously.


    I downloaded now your PDFViewDemo.exe (ver. 2.29.1) and installed it.
    In my test I used your demo application (not my project).

    1. I run your demo application and I view the WPViewPDF manual
    2. I click on 'File', 'Option', 'Stamping' and check Activate. The text DEMO in written on your manual
    3. I click 'Plus' and click 'Save Selected Pages' (the page nr. 1) in a new pdf file that I named 'test.pdf'
    4. Now I click on 'File' and 'Load' the pdf saved prevously (test.pdf)
    5. I click on 'File','Option', 'Stamping' and check Activate. The text DEMO is written again on my pdf but
    it isn't in the same position than the text demo printed previously. It has moved down.
    You can see in this picture :


    Hi, my problem isn't resolved.
    I use your delphi demo (WPViewPDFnew\Demos\Delphi2): I load my pdf,then I click on 'File', 'Option', 'Stamping' and check Activate. The text DEMO in written on my pdf. Now I click 'Plus' and 'Save PDF' with printed the word DEMO.
    Now I click on 'File' and re-Load the pdf saved with the text DEMO printed on, then I click on 'File','Option', 'Stamping' and check Activate. The text DEMO is written again on my pdf.
    The position of new text DEMO is different from text demo printed previously.


    This is my code:

    var StampMeta : TMetafile;

    StampMeta := TMetafile.Create;

    // procedure to write a stamp on PDF
    procedure TFrmMain.PrepareStamp(StampText : String);
    var StampMetaCan : TMetafileCanvas;
    aForm : TXForm;

    StampMetaCan := TMetafileCanvas.Create(StampMeta,0);

    StampMetaCan.Font.Name := 'tahoma';
    StampMetaCan.Font.Size := 12;
    StampMetaCan.Brush.Style := bsClear;

    aForm.eM11:= 1.0;
    aForm.eM12:= 0.0;
    aForm.eM21:= 0.0;
    aForm.eM22:= 1.0;

    aForm.eDx := Screen.PixelsPerInch;
    aForm.eDy := Screen.PixelsPerInch*2;
    SetWorldTransform(StampMetaCan.Handle, aForm);

    StampMetaCan.TextOut(0,0, DateToStr(now));
    StampMetaCan.TextOut(0,50, StampText);


    WPViewPDF1.CommandStrEx(495,'1-10000', StampMeta.Handle);


    // Then I use this code to Save PDF
    WPViewPDF1.CommandStr(COMPDF_SaveToFile, savedialog1.FileName);


    I open a pdf with PDFViewer.
    I stamp a text on every page (for example the word 'DEMO'): the visualization is ok.
    But if I save the pdf, when I see again the pdf, the word 'DEMO' is written in a different position that I see in the previous display, why?

    Best Regards