Beiträge von vilas_kiran

    Hi Julian,
    Actually I am using code from RTF2PDF feature from PDFControl demo that I downloaded.

    The code I am using in my VB6 program to convert RTF to PDF is

    Private Sub Command1_Click()
    LoadEMFFile.Action = 1
    If LoadEMFFile.FileName <> "" Then
    RichTextBox1.LoadFile FileName
    End If

    End Sub

    Private Sub Command2_Click()
    If PDFControl1.StartEngine(DLLName.Text, "LicenseName", "LicenseCode", 0) = True Then
    PDFControl1.BeginDoc FileName.Text, 0
    PDFControl1.ExecIntCommand 9, RichTextBox1.hWnd 'intern command to draw a richedit (using a fixed border 0.5 inch and current page size
    MsgBox "We were not able to load the PDF Engine DLL", 0, "Error!"
    End If
    End Sub

    This code I got from ....\wPDFControl\Demos\VB6\RICHEDIT
    So I would say this is the code I was looking for.
    If you got different link/code for VB6 to convert from RTF to PDF please provide me.

    And I am very glad to get the answers back from you very quickly.
    Only problem is the time difference between you and me.


    Thanks for the reply.
    I am not sure whether the cells in RTF file are wrapped.
    But when I use Adobe PDF writer plug in to convert this RTF file to PDF its working fine.
    Its showing all colours and formatting.
    I am attaching an image that shows two resulting PDF files one from ADOBE and other from wptools.
    It might be because in my program I am loading the RTF file into a Rich Text control and converting it to PDF as it showed in the demo.
    I am using PDFControl1.ExecIntCommand 9, RichTextBox1.hwnd command.
    May be there is another way of doing it like converting source file directly to the destination file.

    Also attached sample RTF file.


    I am working on a project that needs to convert an RTF file to PDF. I have downloaded this evaluation version of RTF2PDF and when tested I cant see the exact results I want. Following are the issues

    1. Text is not wrapped in table cells. Its overflowing to the next cell.
    2. Background colours of the cells are not retained.

    I am not sure whether its becauase of the evaluation version.
