Beiträge von leprince

    Zitat von leprince

    Another problem is the resolution:
    we connect from one computer "A" via remote desktop to another computer "B". The program with a fast report/TfrxWPToolsView is executed on "B" within the remote desktop session. If the screen resolutions are different, the rendered report looks weird because the font seems to be scaled in order to fit "A"'s screen resolution. This happens both on screen and on the printout. Right now i do not know how to solve this.

    Sorry for pushing this up, i am still clueless where to hack ;-)
    greetings, Wolfgang


    you'd be VERY much better off using the workaround with a normal TWPRichText!

    The DB-version works differently. I started to use the DB-version and after it was too late to undo everything (and redo it with the normal version) we realized several issues which bugged us deeply and cost much time as well.

    Julian himself often advises to not use the DB-version.

    That said, i still like to work with WPTools - don't get me wrong.

    Hope that helps,

    Hi again,

    We have some issues with fast report too, with TfrxWPToolsView that is.

    When the text inside the TfrxWPToolsView extends to a second page, the last line of the text (on the second page) is not shown.

    We suspect that the calculation of the resulting height of the object is not entirely correct.

    After some testing i found out that as a workaround i add an empty paragraph at the end of the text. Maybe this helps you too?

    Another problem is the resolution:
    we connect from one computer "A" via remote desktop to another computer "B". The program with a fast report/TfrxWPToolsView is executed on "B" within the remote desktop session. If the screen resolutions are different, the rendered report looks weird because the font seems to be scaled in order to fit "A"'s screen resolution. This happens both on screen and on the printout. Right now i do not know how to solve this.

    Ideas anybody?

    Greetings and best wishes,

    Hi Julian,

    Zitat von wpsupport

    WPRichText1.InsertPoints.Hidden := true

    SaveToFile( filename, 'RTF-nomergefields' )

    Which method do you suggest when using TDBWPRichText? I want to destroy the mergefields on posting the record.

    I have to get rid of the mergefield markers because they show up on printing with FastReport.

    best wishes,

    Thanks Julian,

    i thought of doing it this way but i want to avoid another big wp-component ;-)

    what do you think of this solution:
    when creating the components i set

    WPMMDataProvider.AutoLoadData   := False;

    before switching between fields and merged data i do:

    WPMMDataProvider.AutoLoadData := (DataSource.DataSet.State in [dsEdit, dsInsert]);

    meaning that when the user edited something or went into edit-mode with the navigator, he will see correct merged data.

    Would this be nonsense in your wp-perspective or is it a *legal* use of your component?

    Best wishes,

    Hi again,

    i have:
    a TDBWPRichText
    a TWPMMDataProvider connected to the TDBWPRichText

    when i set the TWPMMDataProvider.DataSource, the DataSet of the TDBWPRichText goes into edit-mode. How do i prevent this from happening? I want to change between showing the fieldnames and showing the merged data without going into editmode.



    of course you are right about too less information; i suspected that you could tell the cause from a few symptoms right away ;-)

    I am doing roughly this:

    Destination.SelectionAsString := TdxDBGrid(Source).DataSource.DataSet.FieldByName( DataFieldTextbaustein).AsString;

    Destination is a TDBWPRichText (CPPosition somewhere in the middle)
    Source is a TObject
    DataFieldTextbaustein is the name of a long varchar field in Sybase SA

    The DataFieldTextbaustein contains RTF which was previously edited in a TDBWPRichText. It also contains additional mailmerge fields itself.

    IMHO there is a difference whether Destination has focus or not. If i dragdrop something onto it, the insertion works well. If i do it programmatically, it fails.

    best wishes,


    if the user types misspelled words they are underlined curly. If he rightclicks on these words, a popup appears and lets him choose the correct word or configure the spellchecker or change the language.

    I ( = my program) want to know which menuitem was clicked on after the popup disappears so i can react if the language was changed. How?
