Beiträge von leprince

    my approach would be to

    *) store the document in a BLOB-field of a database table. There you can keep track of the reviewing process by setting status fields.

    *) In the filesystem (preferably on the fileserver) you can have a picture all in white where it says *DRAFT* in some fancy way.

    *) if the status of the document not equals *approved* then ...
    paint the draft-image as watermark

    This is done by having a TImage on your form, loading the desired image into the TImage, use the OnPaintWatermark procedure of the TWPRichText in the following way:

    my TImage is called img1...

    WPPrintTiledBackground(toCanvas, PageRect, img1.Picture.Graphic, XRes / WPScreenPixelsPerInch);

    Hope that helps