Beiträge von AlexHughes

    Hi Julian

    I have just upgraded to the latest version and it appears to have broken the input text event

    The following code used to work but now just moves the cursor up a fraction

    WpdllInt1.TextCursor.InputField(textfieldName, textfieldName, False)

    I have also just checked the demo application where none of the InsertTextFields WPA actions are working


    Hi Julian

    I have just upgraded my project to use v.1.49.7 and dropped an image in to a new document, unfortunately the events didnt fire (i put break points on all of them) and the outputted file appears to be very similar to the previous build.

    <!WPTools_Format V=518/>
    <GlobalPageFormat wpcss="landscape:0;paperw:11909;paperh:16834;margr:720;margl:720;margt:720;margb:720;marg_header:720;marg_footer:720;deftabstop:720;marginmirror:0;"/><StandardFont wpcss="CharFont:'Arial';CharFontSize:1100;"/>
    <stylesheet></stylesheet><cs nr=1 wpsty=[[CharFont:'Arial';CharFontSize:1100;]]/><div cs=1><c nr=1/><txtobj wpsty=[[Type:12;Width:8700;Height:5790;Wrap:0;Object:85838544;]] ch=1 data="wpvcl-binary" type="TWPODataContainer">

    What should have changed in regards to this? and what should i be seeing instead?



    I believe that was made by dragging a file from explorer onto the document

    I have also just made another file by using

    WpdllInt1.TextCursor.InputImage("C:\OHO082_LoRes.jpg", mode Or 1 Or 2)

    This still give an output file which contains that TWPODataContainer class you mentioned

    <!WPTools_Format V=518/>
    <GlobalPageFormat wpcss="landscape:0;paperw:11909;paperh:16834;margr:720;margl:720;margt:720;margb:720;marg_header:720;marg_footer:720;deftabstop:720;marginmirror:0;"/><StandardFont wpcss="CharFont:'Arial';CharFontSize:1100;"/>
    <stylesheet></stylesheet><div><cs nr=1 wpsty=[[CharFont:'Arial';CharFontSize:1100;]]/><c nr=1/><txtobj wpsty=[[Type:12;Width:6000;Height:4800;Wrap:0;Object:92837872;]] ch=1 data="wpvcl-binary" type="TWPODataContainer">

    Please find below the content of the file -- it is just a blank document that contains an image that was embeded.

    I was expecting events to fire on saving the document so i could alter the path parameters, and then again on loading the file.

    Hope this helps

    <!WPTools_Format V=518/>
    <GlobalPageFormat wpcss="landscape:0;paperw:11909;paperh:16834;margr:720;margl:720;margt:720;margb:720;marg_header:720;marg_footer:720;deftabstop:720;marginmirror:0;"/><StandardFont wpcss="CharFont:'Arial';CharFontSize:1100;"/>
    <stylesheet></stylesheet><div><cs nr=1 wpsty=[[CharFont:'Arial';CharFontSize:1100;]]/><c nr=1/><txtobj wpsty=[[Type:12;Mode:8;Width:6475;Height:4856;RelX:1176;RelY:727;Wrap:4;Object:88775024;]] ch=1 data="wpvcl-binary" type="TWPODataContainer">

    I am evaluating the control and cannot seem to make the OnBeforeSaveImage or OnLoadExtImage events fire

    I am using the wpt format and I have set
    WpdllInt1.Memo.SetBProp(10, 0, 1) so the images are linked to file but the event doesnt fire on save or when i load the file back in.

    Is there any configuration I need to do to get it to work?

    I am using targetting .net 2 in visual studio 2005

