Beiträge von crempel

    In the demo I found the code

    WPSpellCheckInterface.Control := dbwpTemplate;

    What is WPSpellCheckInterface? When is it instantiated? How do I control it? I'm getting an intermittent AV error related to WPSpellCheck and I can't seem to make sense of it and figure out how to solve it.


    I want to use a TWPRichText control as an email client editor.

    How do I load an HTML file (with embedded images) into a TWPRichText control so that the images are imported as well? I tried:

    TWPRichText.LoadFromFile('c:\\google.htm', False, 'HTML');

    but this seems to ignore IMG tags.

    Also, how do I save the edited RTF data from the TWPRichText control as an HTML file, along with all referenced embedded IMG tags?

    Any help would be appreciated.

    When I paste in a jpg into the edit control at run-time, everything displays correctly. But when I paste in a gif, I get a red box.

    When I run the demo, it pastes the gif fine. But when I run my app -- using the same properties as the demo's TWPRichText, it doesn't work.

    I'm not sure where to go next to figure this out.

    Suggestions please.


    I found the following in the WPINC.IN file.
    The notes mention to "globaly enable the defines in, for GIF support also 'UseLZW'".

    How do I do this?

    // Activate this define to use Mike Lischkes open source graphic library
    // GraphicEx to load PNG and GIF files. Don't forget to globally enabled the
    // defines in, for GIF support also 'UseLZW'
    // --> see unit WPObj_Image