Beiträge von halgi

    Thanks for your reply

    "I am not so sure - how do you enter such unicode values in Delphi? "

    This characters isn't Unicode it's just ASCII chars above 127

    "You can follow the code into WPIOANSI.PAS in
    function TWPTextReader.Parse(datastream: TStream): TWPRTFDataBlock;"

    I see it calls PrintAByte but i can't see what happens next because i have WPToos standard license - no full source.

    Can i ask if PrintAByte do any convertions with ASCII chars above 127?

    Thanks in advanced

    I have an wprichtext control named Test.

    I use Delphi 2007

    I do this simple code
    Test.Text := 'Δοκιμή' --> greek characters.

    but in wprichtext i get invalid characters.
    when i try this code

    Test.Memo._CodePage = 1253;
    Test.Text := 'Δοκιμή' --> greek characters.

    is see then text normal but when i call this line

    Showmessage(Test.Lines.Text) i get invalid characters.

    Is any solution for this?

    Thanks in advanced.