Beiträge von bernd.maierhofer

    Hi + tx for every answer!

    What is the best way to basically deal with RTF strings (= {\rtf1\ansi ...... }) ? I want to convert a plain unformatted ANSI string to RTF, I want to concate RTF strings, I want to remove all formattings from a RTF string, ...

    Is there any RTF engibe I can use for these tasks?

    tx Bernd

    Hi + tx for an answer:

    I use a TDBWPRichText to let the user create RTF text elements. My app merges These elements together. However, sometimes I want to have the final rtf to have only one font, not the individual fonts of the elements.

    So how do I remove all Arial 10 pt from my RTFs and - if necessary - reaplace it by Tahoma 8 pt?

    tx Bernd

    I have a form with a WPEditor which I use to edit a rtf which is later inserted into another rtf. Using the WPEdfitor, I insert a table with width set to 100%. I save the rtf as text to a field of the DB.

    The field in DB contains ...{\tblstart1{....\trftsWidth2\trwWidth5000 which exactly makes the table stretch to the whole width of the doc.

    However, if I reload the rtf from the database into the WPEditor, the \trftsWidth2 is changed to \trftsWidth3\trwWidth6806.

    So after the second edit/save, the table no longer streches over the width of the doc.

    What am I mising?

    tx + brgds bernd

    I use the TDBWPRichText to create RTF pieces, that afterwards get assembled to one big RTF, that is loaded in WORD or WORDPAD.

    I create my RTF-Part 1 in the control and save it to a BLOB in MSSQL using RTF as format.

    However, data for graphics is duplicated:

    Word displays then all the numbers and then the image. Any idea, how to change this behaviour?

    BTW: I am pretty sure, this is new with the last update.


    Do not set Datasource and Datafield of the TDBWPRichText.
    Create the form.
    Retrieve data.
    Set Datasource and Datafield (see code below).

    with TFrmTextbaustein.Create(CForm(Self)) do begin
         if ShowModal=idOk then begin

    Conclusion: This must be a timing problem. Retrieveing data prior to having set properties, that influences the behaviour.

    Additional info:
    I verified, that the data is not truncated.
    Edit/Save/Reload from the DB does not change the RTF.
    If I disconnect the control from the datafield, the error does not occur.
    If I edit the rtf with the editor component (see code below), no error occurs and the RTF is displayed ok.

    Hi + tx for any info.

    Using WP 6.25m MS SQL 2008 R2

    I have a TDBWPRichText connected to a TQuery and a Field of tye TMemoField - undrlying DB type is TEXT. I finally managed to save my RTF with graphics included to the DB setting the wobRTFnobinary.

    However, when I now try to load the saved RTF into the TDBWPRichText, I receive a "list index of ouf bounds".

    Can anybody direct me how to save/rsetore RTFs with graphics embedded to the database?

    tx Bernd