Beiträge von riddler

    I am trying out your wPDFControl eval version using C#. I would like to draw directly on the Canvas graphics object. Here is some sample code that does not work as I would expect:

    wPDF.PDFControl pdfControl1;
    pdfControl1 = new wPDF.PDFControl();
    if (pdfControl1.BeginDoc(@"c:\temp\test.pdf"))
    pdfControl1.StartPage(612, 792, false);
    pdfControl1.Canvas.DrawRectangle(SystemPens.WindowText, 0, 0,
    8.5f * pdfControl1.Canvas.DpiX * .5f,
    11f * pdfControl1.Canvas.DpiY * .5f);

    I would expect this code to draw a rectangle on the top left quarter of the page (25% of the page). However, it seems to draw a rectangle on about 75% of the page. My Canvas.DpiX and .DpiY are 96. Any thoughts?
