Beiträge von joel

    Hello Julian,

    1/ The search seems to find the items because they are highlighted ; the only problem is that the component does not move to the page where items were found

    2/ As I told you, I used the Acrobat Distiller to generate bookmarks from a word document, from my software documentation (the bookmarks are the summary). Can I send you a small PDF file exhibiting the problem to so you can study the output ? I think that it will be interesting for your product to be able to process these bookmarks. If you are willing to study this, please, confirm me the method you prefer to use to receive the PDF file.


    I am a new user of WPviewPDF. It work fine though some PDF displays strange pictures.

    However, I came against two issues already signaled in this forum without any answer.

    1/ The .FindText() function does not display the page where the items were found whatever the value of the DONTGOTOPAGE parameter. This is really annoying and this function is useless : you cannot browse your document to search MANUALLY for highlighted items.

    2/ Hyperlinks do not work. Mine are generated by Adobe Acrobat Distiller (say THE reference). They shows in the document but a click does not do anything.

    Thanks for your answers,
