Beiträge von srmitch

    Thanks for confirming that I should use LoadFromStream. I had tried that approach before but I think I forgot to reset the stream position after saving to the stream. So using the following code works:

    Thanks again.


    With WPTools v7.28 and Delphi 2010, I am using the following code to add images to an RTF document that works well with Bitmap and JPEG types but not with PNG images. What do I need to do to fix this?

    'vRegRptImage.Image' is a TPicture property that displays using assignment to a TImage on a form. Also using 'vImg.LoadFromFile(...)' on the original PNG file works but is not what I need to do.


    I am attempting to use a merge field with the special attribute ' \loadimage'. Is there any special processing required to get it to load the image? The Contents.WideStringValue value contains a valid image file path but all that happens is the path string is output and not the image.

    FYI: WPTools V7.21 with the WPReporter Addon.


    Hi Julian,

    I thought so but I thought it better to check anyway. It would be nice to have the Excel-like behaviour of being able to allow table-wrap and nominate header rows and columns for pagination of extended tables.

    Thanks for your quick response and suggestions.


    Does WPTools7 wrap tables with a fixed number of rows and fixed-width columns that do not fit across a page? Or does this have to done in code by the using application? The number of table columns is not known until run-time.

    For example, a table might have 10 rows and 20 columns, but to fit on a page the table needs to be split into two tables, one after another, with columns 1-10 in the first and 11-20 in the second. It would also be handy to have repeating header columns in the wrapped tables.

    Yesterday I downloaded and attempted to install the WPTools7 VCL demo for Delphi XE. I already have wPDF installed and wanted to test WPTools7 without WPPremium but linked with wPDF. To successfully do this I had to do the following:

    1. Open WPINC.INC and undefine WPPREMIUM and define WPPDFEX.
    2. Add 'WPRTEDefsConsts, WPRTEPlatform, WPRTEEdit' to the uses clause in the WPPDFWP.pas unit.
    3. Search for and download the missing 'WPToolsDlg' unit files from here:
    4. Open the 'WPTools_Reg' unit and on line 183 correct the class name 'TWPCreatePDFDlg' to 'TWPCreatePDF'.
    5. Do a build and install.

    This process took a couple of hours instead of the expected 5 - 10 minutes for installation. It was very disappointing and frustrating. I certainly hope that my further experience with this product is much better than this.

    Hopefully my post might help others resolve similar problems until the Demo installation is fixed.
