Beiträge von Jonas

    First, thnx for the fast reply.

    I can insert a graphic with WPRichText1.TextObjects.Insert(...).
    That is not the problem. The graphic is on the screen.

    The problem is that, after I have inserted a graphic I want to change this graphic without first having to delete the original and inserting a new one. I have another component where our clients can position the image. This image gets rendered on the Graphic object (on the TextWPObj.Picture.Bitmap, this worked before), so the client can see the result.
    This is the problem: how can I change the bitmap of the image after it has been inserted before?


    Currently I'm using the latest version of WPTools (7.10), Upgraded a project from version 5.0.

    I have an TWPObject on my TWpRichText and I want to assign another BMP to this component (and of course see this image in the editor).
    The TextWPObj.Picture.Bitmap is assigned correctly, the bmp actually is in TextWPObj.Picture.Bitmap, I saved this to file to check it out, but... the image isn't shown on the screen (Editor).

    I've tried using the

    Without any result.

    The code worked fine in V5.0, but now fails.

    Any suggestions?