Format Options

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Using the format strings used by the IO methods the HTML reader and writer can be customized. The format strings are passed to the IO method as second or third parameter.


To select the HTML writer or writer use the format string



TextDynamic will usually detect HTML input correctly if the format string is empty or "AUTO" is used.


Options can be appended to the format string, the following options are useful for HTML:


For HTML writer:




This will tell the writer to create a copy of all images in the mentioned path. The filename part will be used to build the name for the image file.




Write a link to the give CSS file.




"\"create name save using the path and name of the HTML file plus the number. (Does not work for SaveToStream and SaveToString)


"\testimages\" create files in sub directory testimages and use name _000x.


""Do not create files. Only create IMG tags for linked images.



 For images which are not linked create image files using the name of the created HTML file + _000x.




Do not save the <html> and <body> tags to make it possible to use the output as text block in a website.




Write a basefont tag using the information of the default attributes of the document.




Write <span> objects instead of <font>



For HTML reader:


-csspath:"c:\docstyle.css"  Opens the local file "c:\docstyle.css" instead of the linked one.



-onlyinbodytag        Ignore all text outisde of the tags <body>..</body>


-nospanobjects        Don't create embedded SPAN objects


-ignorehtml        do not use HTML formatting tags. this is useful in combination with -useBBCodes.


-useBBCodes        Interpret the "bulletin board" tags [b], [i], [u], [s], [color], [size], [align], [center], [left], [right], [justify], [list], [url], [email]


-usecr                Create a new paragraph at a carriage return character


-codepageXXXX        Use codepage XXXX to load the text



For XML writer (see XML Mode):

-useptag        Write <p> insetd of <div> tags


-ignorefonts                Do not write font information



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