Group 12 : wpClipboardOptions

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Group 12 : Modify the clipboard is used. Here also Drag&Drop is customized


usage: Memo.SetBProp(12, X, -1) to deactivate, Memo.SetBProp(12, X, 1) to activate.


0: wpcoNoInternalDragAndDrop //Switch off the internal drag&drop

1: wpcoNoDragAndDropFromOutside // Allow only Drop from within

2: wpcoAlwaysDeleteInDragSource // Delete dragged source text if from different editor too!

3: wpcoDontMoveCursorDuringDrag // Do not show cursor when dragging

4: wpcoNoAutoSelSpaceExtension // Don't select preceding or trailing spaces when doing Drag&Drop

5: wpDontHideCaret // do not hide the caret while selection is active


Enable/Disable certain formats:


6: wpcoDontPasteWPT // Don_t paste the internal proprietary WPT format

7: wpcoDontPasteRTF // don't paste ANSI

8: wpcoDontPasteANSI

9: wpcoDontPasteUNICODE

10: wpcoPasteHTMLWhenAvailable // not recommended - paste HTML when availbale

11: wpcoDontPasteGraphics // don't paste graphics (unless embedded in RTF text)

12: wpcoDontCopyRTF // Do not copy RTF

13: wpcoDontCopyANSI

14: wpcoDontCopyUNICODE

15: wpcoDontCopyWPT


This flags change the way pasted text is handled:


16: wpcoPreserveBorders // preserve the borders at the destination

17: wpcoPreserveShading  // preserve the shading  at the destination

18: wpcoPreserveIndents  // preserve the indents at the destination

19: wpcoDontAutoAppendSpace // do not append a space

20: wpcoPasteAsNestedTable // cells are always pasted as nested in table

21: wpcoDontPasteFonts // keep current font name

22: wpcoDontPasteFontSizes // keep current font size

23: wpcoDoNotUseInsertMode // Any paste operation will completely replace the document!

24: wpcoDontCopyProtectedText

25: wpcoDontCopyProtectedText


Some additional flags


26: wpcoAlwaysCopyImagesEmbedded // Also linked images are embedded in clipboard

27: wpcoAlsoCopyHTML // Copy HTML

28: wpcoAlsoPasteRTFVariables // Modify the document variables when pasting text

29: wpcoDontPasteWhenTextIsSelected // Don't allow pasting when text is selected

30: wpcoPastedANSIDoesNotInheritParAttr // pasted ANSI text does not use current indent and other paragraph attributes


If the second parameter id=-1 and the value =-1 the complete set of flags will be cleared.

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