SetEnableFlags method

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procedure SetEnableFlags(Editor: Integer; Flags: Integer);


Using the method SetEnableFlags it is possible to modify the editor #1 or #2:

Certain options which are not active by default can be activated by setting one bit in the parameter:

bit 1: wpoptDropImgCreatesLinkedImage=1 - when an image file is dragged onto the editor a link to the file is created. (only the path name is stored).


bit 2: wpoptDropImgCreatesMovableParObject=2 - when an image file is dragged onto the editor a movable image will be created - it is positioned relatively to a paragraph.


bit 3: wpoptDropImgCreatesMovablePageObject=4 - when an image file is dragged onto the editor a movable image will be created - it is positioned relatively to a page.


bit 4: wpoptDropImgCreatesNoWrapImage=8 - when an image file is dragged onto the editor a movable image will be created with text wrapping switched off.


bit 5: wpoptFormularMode=16 - Activates the formular mode. The user can only edit certain mail merge fields which are marked to be editable ( Mode=2).


bit 6: wpoptAllowCreateTableInTable=32 - Tables may be created within other tables.


bit 7: wpoptShowSpecialChars=64 - Special characters, such as CR, NL and FF are displayed.


Please also see method SetBProp which allows it to toggle more than 100 internal proerty flags to adjust the editor handling to you needs.

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