Update design of toolbars

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TextDynamic supports different "themes" for the dialogs, toolbar and the panels.


Please also see the FAQ in "Configure the Editor".


They can be globally updated using the Command method.


This command IDs are defined:


WPDLL_COM_DialogBackground = 9501


Activate a brushed metal background for the dialogs.


"Standard" clip0133 "Metal" clip0132


You can also load a background image for the tiling


 // You can use the token {dll} in the filename

 // to specify the path relatively to the engine DLL.


WPDLL_COM_ToolbarDesign = 9502


Select the design style for all toolbars which do not use the <design> tag in the XML.


This modes are supported:

   1 = Titanium (default)


   2 = Brushed Metal - use Command(9501, 1) to make the dialogs use this background


   3 = Shaded. Use Command 9503 and 9504 to change colors)


   4 = Simple gray



WPDLL_COM_ToolBarColorFrom = 9503


Change the start color for the gradient fill used by mode 3. Default is $FFFFFF


WPDLL_COM_ToolBarColorTo = 9504


Change the end color for the gradient fill used by mode 3. Default is $FE9696


 C# Example:


 wpdllInt1.Command(9503, wpdllInt1.ToRGB(Color.LightBlue),0);

 wpdllInt1.Command(9504, wpdllInt1.ToRGB(Color.Blue),0);



WPDLL_COM_SetHorzBack = 9505


Load a bitmap which is stretched on the background of horizontal toolbars. You can realize individual shading using such a bitmap.


WPDLL_COM_SetVertBack = 9506


Load a bitmap which is stretched on the background of vertical toolbars



Please do not mix Command up with



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