Class TWPStyleScroller


System.TObject | System.Classes.TPersistent | System.Classes.TComponent | Vcl.Controls.TControl | Vcl.Controls.TWinControl | Vcl.Controls.TCustomControl | WPRTEDefs.TWPCustomRTFControl | WPCTRMemo.TWPCustomRtfEdit | TWPStyleScroller


This is a scrollable viewer for paragraph styles.
To let this component view and change the styles in an editor, this editor and the style scroller must use the same TWPRTFProps component. It must be assigned to property WPRTFPropsComponent.

To attached an editor to the style scroller it is possible to use the property EditBox. This editor will be updated, when the uder clicks on one of the styles.

Alternatively, esspecially to attach multiple editors, create a TActionList and inside of it a TWPToolsCustomEditContolAction. As AttachedControl specify the scroller and attach the action list to the TWPRichText using the property ActionList. Now it is possible to also show the currently active style automatically.

This class inherits from the TWPCustomRtfEdit class which is also used to build an editor for text. This makes this class very powerfull, yet the implementation very small. The implementation is a good example for the development of a specialized paged viewer and to highlight the power of the WPTools' concept.



OnClick : TWPCustomRtfEditClick= TWPCustomRtfEditClick

OnClickPage : TOnClickPageEvent= TOnClickPageEvent

OnDragDrop : TDragDropEvent= TDragDropEvent

OnDragOver : TDragOverEvent= TDragOverEvent

OnEndDrag : TEndDragEvent= TEndDragEvent

OnEnter : TNotifyEvent= procedure (Sender : TObject) of Object

OnExit : TNotifyEvent= procedure (Sender : TObject) of Object

OnKeyDown : TKeyEvent= TKeyEvent

OnKeyPress : TKeyPressEvent= TKeyPressEvent

OnKeyUp : TKeyEvent= TKeyEvent

OnMeasureTextPage : TWPMeasurePageEvent= TWPMeasurePageEvent

OnMouseDown : TMouseEvent= TMouseEvent

OnMouseMove : TMouseMoveEvent= TMouseMoveEvent

OnMouseUp : TMouseEvent= TMouseEvent

OnPaint : TNotifyEvent= procedure (Sender : TObject) of Object

Used or referenced by

-Procedure TWPCustomAttrDlg.ChangeApplied(aEditBox:TWPCustomRtfEdit)
-Function TWPSuperMerge.GetEditor : TWPCustomRTFControl
-Procedure TWPCustomAttrDlg.ChangeApplied(aEditBox:TWPCustomRtfEdit)