Function TWPCustomRtfEdit.Draw(outCanvas:TCanvas; X:Integer; Y:Integer; H:Integer; xres:Integer; yres:Integer; starty:Integer; HandlePageBreaks:Boolean) : Integer

Unit: WPCTRMemo
Class: WPCTRMemo.TWPCustomRtfEdit


  • outCanvas:TCanvas
  • X:Integer
  • Y:Integer
  • H:Integer
  • xres:Integer
  • yres:Integer
  • starty:Integer
  • HandlePageBreaks:Boolean


The type of the result value is Integer.


Draw will render the text using the same word wrap as it is used in the editor. It is used to fill rectangles vertically with text. A new rectangle can be started when the text was not completely printed.var y : Integer; r : TRect; begin y := 0; r.Left := 10; r.Top := 10; r.Right := PaintBox1.Width - 20; r.Bottom := PaintBox1.Height - 20; y := WPRichText1.Memo.Draw(PaintBox1.Canvas, r.Left+1,r.Top,r.Right - r.Left,r.Bottom-r.Top, 50, 50,y, false); if y>0 then WPRichText1.Memo.Draw(PaintBox1.Canvas, r.Left+(r.Right-r.Left) div 2,r.Top,r.Bottom-r.Top, 50, 50,y, false); end;

Overloaded Methods

Function TWPCustomRtfEdit.Draw(outCanvas:TCanvas; r:TRect; zoom:Integer; starty:Integer; HandlePageBreaks:Boolean) : Integer