Function TWPCustomRtfEdit.InputCode(Code:TWPTextObjType; AName:string; Command:string; Options:TWPInputCodeOptions) : TWPTextObj

Unit: WPCTRMemo
Class: WPCTRMemo.TWPCustomRtfEdit



The type of the result value is TWPTextObj.


Create a new code pair at cursor position and return a reference to the opening object (=TWPTextObj).
available options are:
wpinpWrapSelectedText - wrap the selected text in the given codes
wpinpDeleteSelectedText - Replace the selected text with the code pair
wpinpPlaceCursorAfterStart - Position the cursor after the start point
wpinpDropMarkersOutside - First drop markers before the start and after the end code
wpinpDropMarkersWithin - Then drop markers after start code and before end code
See Cursor.SelectMarker for information about markers. The last marker dropped by InputCode has the value _InputCodeMarker. You can access the previous 1 or 3 using _InputCodeMarker-1