Background Theme

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Background Theme

When the DrawOption wpDrawPageShade and ViewOptionEx wpPaintPageShade is used, a bitmap is used to render the shaded borders of the page. This is done by the utility function WPDrawRectWithBitmap.


To use a different bitmap instead of the default one, you can assign it to the global variable WPDrawRectWithBitmap_bitmap.


Example: WPDrawRectWithBitmap_bitmap := MetroStyleImage.Picture.Bitmap;


The bitmap should show a shaded square. To display a also a shade in focussed state, two squares must be rendered side by side. A good size for one saque is 66*66 pixel since internally it is divided into 9 parts.


Example bitmaps for WPDrawRectWithBitmap:

PageBackground_iceberg PageBackground_metro



New: WPTools 9 includes a resource file with several PNG images which can be used easily.


{$R WPShadePNG.RES} // load the resource file


// Create a PNG image  // it should be freed at program end.


pageshadepng := TPNGImage.Create; // from VCL.imaging.PNGImage


pageshadepng.LoadFromResourceName(HInstance, WPDesktopShadingNames[wpDrawDarkGlow]);




// possible values: wpDrawBlackGlow, wpDrawBlueShade,

// wpDrawDarkGlow, wpDrawDarkShade, wpDrawGreenShade

// wpDrawLightGrayShade, wpDrawMidGrayShade, wpDrawRedShade, wpDrawWhiteShade


// Assign the bitmap. If you want to use a different bitmap you need to create

// a new PNG object and assign that to clear the internal cache


WPDrawRectWithBitmap_bitmap := pageshadepng;





Please see the chapter about WPImageList and the creation of icon lists.