Append pages from Images

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Append pages from Images


This code opens a TOpenDialog and the user can select one or more JPEG images.


The the necessary count of pages will be appended to the loaded document and on each page an image will be placed. The viewer will display the complete document with the added images immediately and, when the PDF is saved, the images will be added permanently into the PDF.

(requires WPViewPDF 5 PLUS or later)



procedure TForm1.btnAppendPageWithJPEGClick(Sender: TObject);
    jpeg : TJPEGImage; // uses Vcl.Imaging.jpeg
    i, page_id, image_id, w,h : Integer;
    jpeg := TJPEGImage.Create;
        OpenDialog1.Filter := 'Image Files (*.JPG)|*.JPG;*.JPEG';
        OpenDialog1.Options := [ofAllowMultiSelect,ofFileMustExist];
        if OpenDialog1.Execute and (OpenDialog1.Files.Count>0) then
             for i := 0 to OpenDialog1.Files.Count-1 do
                   jpeg.LoadFromFile( OpenDialog1.Files[i] );
                   h := MulDiv( jpeg.Height, 72, 96 );
                   w := MulDiv( jpeg.Width, 72, 96 );
                   page_id := wpviewpdf1.CommandStrEx( 

                        h +       // Hight in lo word
                        w shl 16   // Width in high word
                   if page_id>0 then
                     image_id := wpviewpdf1.Plus.AddImage(  

                           OpenDialog1.Files[i] );
                     if image_id>0 then
                              0, 0,  // X,Y
                              0, {angle}