• One customer reported the error that the file c:\clpbrd.txt can't be created.

    I found it in the unit WPCTRMemo (the DEFINE was enabled) and disabled
    {$DEFINE CLIPDEBUG}//OFF: - save cliboard text

    But you save it two times
    in line 12592 its in the DEFINE
    in line 12565 there is no DEFINE

    By the way, how far are you with the problem with importing Tables from Word (the right margin of the cells) ?

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    This $DEFINE CLIPDEBUG should be deleted in unit WPCTRMEMO.
    It was forgotten.

    I checked the import of the word tables (with yours and other demo files) and they should be alright now.

    There is an option: FormatOptionsEx: wpfKeepTablesInTextArea

    If that flag is active the tables will be formatted inside the left/right margin. If that flag is not used (default) the tables can extend into the right margin (but are limited to page)


  • i didn't get it work (the import of the Table)

    i tried it with the wpfKeepTablesInTextArea, but no chance

    This is the RTF, i tried to load
    if i load it with Word, it works with no problem (both cells are printed in one line, no line break is needed inside the cell because od the right margin is right)

    If i load it with the TBX Demo (setting the wpfKeepTablesInTextArea flag chance nothing) the first cell need two lines (because of the right margin is to big)

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Yes, I noted that two. An addition bites back - the default font.

    I will change that in a new release, but for now you can back to the old behavour using the define DONT_FIX_DEFSTYLE in your project and do a BuildAll.

    In fact the current default font is applied to all characters which use the default font in RTF - this is actually not wrong, but not what is expected.


  • ok, but i don't think it has to do something with the font (or default font)

    Defining the DONT_FIX_DEFSTYLE hasn't changed anything, i defined it in the Project ->Conditional Defines and ReBuild the TBX Demo

  • Hm, now i see what you mean, in Word i have the text with Default "Times new Roman" and in WPTools the copied table gets the Font "Arial"
    with the DEFINE this behavior gets corrected.

    But the problem with the right margin of the Table still exists

  • Bad news,

    the default font problem still exists (MS Word enter a text default font "Times New Roman 12" -> EXE Demo "v5.18.2" Default Font "Arial 11")

    The problem with the right margin of the Table cell still exists !

  • Julian,

    I added the $IFDEF/$ENDIF manually for the second occurance mentioned in the first post. I just wanted to confirm that you saw that and that it would be in the next release.

    Thanks as always,