DELETE Text with marks in WPRichText1

  • How can I delete one text betwin two mark`s ?

    My Mark is @#1#@

    and I will like delete all betwin the mark`s !!


    @#1#@ Blabla text fdfdsf Blabla more text @#1#@

    Thanks and Greatings from Chile...

  • You can use the Finder with wildcards for this:

    WPRichText1.Finder.WildCard := '*';
    while WPRichText1.Finder.Next('@*@') do
    WPRichText1.Finder.FoundText := '@@';

  • Many thanks by so quick answer..

    This functions very well, but when characters of return exist (#13) does not work!

    The routine also functions when boards(tabellen) in the text exist?

    André Aigneren