Anyone have a Complete Word Processor with WpTools+ExpressBa

  • Hi,

    I need a word processor built on WPtools but that must use DevExpress
    ExpressBars 5 for menus and toolbars;
    I have to write it from scratch;
    There is anyone that have already build it ?

    Thanks in advance,

    Stefano Monterisi

  • Stefano,

    We did built, but with EB4 (EB5 upgrade don´t seems to be a great advantage,
    since there is nothing new on the package besides DockingLibrary, and the
    same problems still remains.

    But we don´t have it as a separate package.. it´s part of an hugge

    What would you like to know...??

    It´s a MS Word mimic, and works like a charm (for the available wptools

    I use TB2K with TBX to mimic the "MS XP Task Bar", that maybe, with EB5 and
    its DockingLibrary could fit some of the features. But I still prefers TB2K
    and TBX package for this "Floating Task Bar" feature.


    Alessandro Fragnani de Morais