Insert Text and horiz. line

  • Hi !

    I wrote some little procedures to get a simple way adding text und horizontal line by code.

    If I want to add text / line / text:


    AddText(False,'Verdana',14,True,True,False,clBlue,'Some little Tests ...');
    'Dies ist dann einfach nur ein schnöder Text!');

    The result is:
    Some little Tests
    ... *)
    Dies ist dann einfach nur ein schnöder Text!

    *) What is the reason for this new line??
    Is here something missing in general?

  • Hi Julian!

    I started to write a complete new unit for creating simple reports. I used your CreateTable Demo for starting.

    For now it worked really great.

    btw: How can I retieve the number / index of the actual paragraph?