[Fatal Error] wptools_reg.pas(34): Unit WPCTRRich was compil

  • ed with a different version of WPRuler.TWPRuler
    I use D5 Professional, and the WPT3, I uninstalled the WPT3 Components and attempted to install the WPT5 and got this error. These are trial versions. I will be purchasing the bundle in a few days. Can someone help me out here on this issue? Robert :(

  • Robert,

    Until Julian can get to answering this, let me try, so what I might suggest.

    Since the WPRuler unit is used in both WP V3 and WP V5, that makes me wonder if you might try:

    o within Delphi, go to the menu option Tools / Environment / Library.

    o Check if the path to the WP3 units is specified somewhere in that string

    Also, look on your system for any and all instances of wpruler.dcu. See if any of those paths happen to be in the Library Path string.

    Wish I could help you more..:) Good luck!

    richard diamond