Problem with word spacing

  • WPTools 6, Delphi 6
    This is an interesting one...
    In my app I have one form parenting a TWPRichText component that is used by the users to create document templates in RTF format. The user is able to save and load these templates to/from a SQL Server 2000 table. The document always appears correct and during printing, everything renders correctly to the printer. So far, so good.

    In another section of my application, there is another form parenting a TWPRichText component (actually, it is a form housing a frame that contains the TWPRichText). The template saved to the DB above is loaded from the table and displayed for editing and printing. When loaded from the table, some of my documents seem to lose the proper word spacing.

    Some words are missing the space between them, others appear to have an extra space between them. In one case, the period between two sentences was missing. Believing this to be a display problem, I tried printing the document (hoping that it would render correctly during printing) but alas, the printed output looked the same as what appeared on screen.

    I tried the obvious, thinking perhaps the document was corrupt, and loaded it back into the first TWPRichText component and it displayed CORRECTLY. So the problem is obviously not the document and not the fact that it comes from a database table. Could a difference in object properties between the original TWPRichText component and the second one be causing this problem?

  • Ok, I scanned the forums for possible solutions to this one and this is the best workaround solution I found someone report...

    1. When setting LayoutMode to wplayNormal, include wpfAlwaysFormatWithScreenRes in TWPRichText.FormatOptions
    2. When setting LayoutMode to wplayFullLayout, exclude wpfAlwaysFormatWithScreenRes from TWPRichText.FormatOptions
    3. When printing, exclude wpfAlwaysFormatWithScreenRes from TWPRichText.FormatOptions

    This seems to work reasonably well in most cases but it doesn't feel like a solution. Do you have a better suggestion?