In TWPRichText, loading 2 x <br> tags hides text

  • I can reproduce this problem by having a string containing valid HTML, and with two of the offending tags in a row. Example:

    vStr := '<html><head></head><body>Hi Michael' +
    '<br><br>This line will not appear.' +

    WPRT.AsWebpage := [wpFormatAsWebpage];
    WPRT.LoadFromString(vStr, 'HTML')

    I can (hopefully, temporarily) solve the problem by doing a global replace of '<br' with '&nbsp;<br'.

    Am I doing something wrong ?

  • Traced it back to TParagraph.Reformat

    The format routine skips the second <BR>, but the paint engine does not. Because the linecount is longer valid (set in format routine) the last line will not get painted.

    This seems like a pretty huge flaw to me.

    I have solved this in code by adding the following at the end of function TParagraph.Reformat. (look for $IFDEF OBEC)

    CharPos[i].xoff := x - lastx;
          lastx := x;
          {$IFDEF OBEC}
          if cc = #10
          then dec(i);
          inc(x, CharPos[i].Width);
          if CharPos[i].Height > iHeight then iHeight := CharPos[i].Height;
          if CharPos[i].Base > iBase then iBase := CharPos[i].Base;

    Also note that i have only tested this with {$IFDEF NEWREFORMAT}.