Empty paragraphs from HTML, formatting

  • Consider the following scenario:

    procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);begin with TWpRichText.Create(Self) do begin   Parent := Self;   Align := AlClient;   AsString := '<div>begin 3 enters</div><div></div><div></div><div></div><div>end 3 enter</div>';   AsWebPage := [wpFormatAsWebPage]; end;end;

    This will not display the 3 empty paragraphs on the TWpRichText.
    It will just output as


    begin 3 enters
    end 3 enters

    Now if i remove the AsWebPage := [wpFormatAsWebPage]; i will get an entirely different but still undesired result, but now it will display 6 empty lines.


    begin 3 enters

    end 3 enters

    I've tested this with wptools 6.13.1 and with wptools 6.25, both gave the same results.

    I have managed to fix the formatting with wpFormatAsWebPage by changing the following code inside function TParagraph.Reformat

    The issue without wpFormatAsWebPage is not important to me, so i leave that one up to you to fix.

    I can not be sure my solution is correct until it has had extensive testing. In any case setting the height to 0 does not seem very useful to me. Defaultheight might not be sufficient either though, but it looks to be an improvement anyway.[/code][/quote]

  • Just noticed when using the up and down arrow keys to loop through the paragraphs it still requires 2 clicks to jump to the next / previous paragraph. So it looks like somehow the editor still thinks there are 2 paragraphs. Typing on those lines can be a bit buggy as well.