Dragon NaturallySpeaking and WPRichText

  • Hi All !

    I am writing an application using the Activex components of Dragon Naturally Speaking. For those not familiar, as the user speaks in to a mic, dragon converts what the user is saying into text.

    In order to use the Activex components, I need to pass a handle of a Memo box/ Rich Edit box to the Dragon component.

    The application works perfectly when I pass the standard Memo and RichEdit component handles to the Dragon component.

    However, when I pass the handle of a WPRichEdit component, I get the following error : "invalid argument passed to method"

    Does anyone know a way around this ? Or does anyone know if it's possible to treat a WPRichEdit as a Memo/Rich Edit in any way ?

    Help help would be appreciated


  • TWPRichText is not inherited from TMemo,so can not use as Tmemo or TRichEdit,you can use a TMemo do this and detect the Memo's changing,when find Memo changed,write memo's text to WPRichText

    sorry,My English is poor