Load html UnicodeString in WPRichText

  • I have an email template written in html in ckeditor .

    I am downloading the template and saving it in UnicodeString;

    I am trying to load it to WPRichText like this:

    UnicodeString body; // here the html is stored.


    WPRichText1->DefaultIOFormat = "HTML";

    WPRichText1->TextLoadFormat = "HTML";

    WideString wideStr = body;


    It works ok for Latin based alphabets.

    But for Russian I get some problems, the string are replaced and I get something like this :

    !?0A81> 70 0H5 1@>=8@>20=85 =0 2 G5;>25:(0) 2

    If I cast it to AnsiString I get all russian chars replaced with question marks ???

    I also tried WPRichText1->SetUNICODE(body) it gives plain text.

    I also tried saving the template to file and loading it with LoadFromFile:

    1. In this case it loads the html as plain text, as source code.

    TMemoryStream *stm = new TMemoryStream();





    2. In this case it loads the html view for latin based alphabets, but for russain I get chars replaced with question marks.

    TMemoryStream *stm = new TMemoryStream();





    For whatever reason I don't think is capable of loading Unicode chars.

    Does anyone have a idea on how to fix this.


  • Please use an ANSI string, and the function AnsANSIString('HTML')

    If you work with e-mail you can use SaveToStream and LoadFromStream.

    Please check the data you saved and load in an text viewer. For russian text it should be UTF8 encoded.