wPDF4 wpTools 9.1 Mail Merge

  • Using WPDF4 and WPTools 9.1 Premium when using mailmerge, when I inject the following code: rtf1.ReplaceTokens('<','>'), I get an access violation error which takes me here:

    WPRTEDefs, line 47180:

    if not(ppProtectSelectedWholeTextToo in FRTFEngine.ProtectedProp) and

    (par_s<>nil) AND (par_e<>nil) and (pos_s=0) and (pos_e>=par_e.CharCount) and

    (par_s.ParentPar=nil) and (par_s.PrevPar=nil)

    and (par_e.ChildPar=nil)

    and par_e.IsLastPar


    I have not had this problem before not sure why I am getting this error, I do note that the FRTFEngine is nil.
