• Offizieller Beitrag

    *** WPTools 9.2.000 - 5.11.2020 ***

    + TWPRichText.EnumText to enumerate all characters and/or text objects

    + TParagraph.CharAtIs(p,c) to quickly check for a certain character at a certain position (also handles invalid values for p)

    + [...] in Color drop down selector to add custom color

    + TWPFormatOptionsEx3

    wpfDisableScaleImagesToTableCells // if false - Adjust an image in a table cell to the macimum width

    wpfOnImageScaleUseMaximumRowHeight // if true - Adjust an image in a table cell to the maximum height

    * enhanced HTML loaded (UTF8 href and src)

    + improvement to HTML writing

    - table background

    - line-height

    - unicode entities

    + wpTokenToTextObjects flag in procdure ReplaceTokens

    * improved readonly handling

    - improve TParagraph.DeleteParagraphKeepChildren

    + EditOptionsEx2 wpNeverMoveTextToUndoButCopy - useful if you need TWPTextObj.OnDestroy after an object was deleted

    * Ruler for better functionality in normal layout mode

    * improvement with cursor position after UNDO

    * improvement undo handling with table actions

    * Some text formatting fixes

    *** several enhancements in the RTF engine and object rendering

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    *** WPTools 9.2.001 - 13.12.2020 ***

    + Images can now be alignbed to the bottom of a line. Use ViewOptionsEx2: wpAlignAllImagesToLinebottom

    * Images in lines with no other text bwere aligned to the top. This has been made more consistent and they

    are alignbed to the baseline. To get the old behavior back set the global variable WPAlignAllObjectToBase := false.

    +++ WPTools now comes with SVG support

    + HTML files can now be loaded with linked SVG images.

    to activate this mode define the compiler symbol SUPPORTSVG in WPINC.INC

    + new component TWPSvgImage which is a TGraphic control which to display a SVG file

    + new component TWPSvgGDIRenderComponent to render SVG data to a Canvas

    The source code for the SVG rendering is provided also iun standard edition!

    +++ Improved hirarchical format algorith - implemented in WPRTEFormatH.pas

    +++ The HTML reader can now load HTML files with the html nested structure kept intact. This requires the WPRTEFormatH algorithm to render

    + Touch can now be used to move an image

    + The dialogs now have a property "RestorePosition". If this is ture (or the global variable WPAllDialogsRestorePosition)

    the position will be restored when they are opened the next time in the same instance of an application.

    * improved UNDO support

    * improved cursor control

    * some improvements to editor

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    *** WPTools 9.2.008 - 6.10.2021 ***

    + Support for Delphi 11 - Alexandria

    *** WPTools 9.2.007 - 11.9.2021 ***

    - the AfterCompleteWordEvent did not work after a . when wpAutoDetectHyperlinks was used

    - when overwriting selected text the char attribute of the first selected character is beeing used.

    + Use wpOverwriteTextUseAttrAtInsertionPoint in EditOptionsEx2 to always reset the char attribute

    + Use wpDontInheritAttributeBeforeSpace in EditOptionsEx2 to not inherit the character attribute used before a space character

    *** WPTools 9.2.006 - 28.8.2021 ***

    * WPTools tries to no separate - and numbers. This can be switched off in PRO version with compiler symbol DONTKEEPMINUSWITHNUMBER

    In case there is text (no number or space) before the - it will now break the line

    - fix format problem when typing in paragraph with images

    + optional parameter to WPRichText.ParStyles.LoadFromFile to load CSS stylesheets instead of lists in WPCSS format

    + better word wrap in reformat for ' and numbers

    + improved indention when activation bullets and numbers

    - fix in HTML reader to add space after <div>

    + new format string option -WritePXValues makes the HTML writer write Pixel instead of Inch Values.

    Please note the pixel values are calculated on a basis of fixed resolution which is 96 by default.

    *** WPTools 9.2.005 - 18.5.2021 ***

    * improved redo support

    * improved undo after load from stream / paste from clipboard

    *** WPTools 9.2.004 - 7.5.2021 ***

    - added unit WPRTEFormatH to PRO and Premium setup

    * improved message handling in WPCtrMemo.pas

    - fixed NODB switch in package source

    *** WPTools 9.2.003' - 21.4.2021 ***

    * in WPUtil: moved DestBitmap := bit; one line up to fix WPImage Problem

    *** WPTools 9.2.003 - 8.4.2021 ***

    + Option in RTF reader -callrequesthttpimage enables call of event OnRequestHTTPImage

    + Many additions to the XML Interface to better support XMP data (see wpXMLInt.pas)

    * HTML export now embeds BMP and WMF as PNG - although using smale width(height matching to

    size of object in text. This also works for images which have been embedded using the GDI++

    support in TWPObjImage

    - fix problem when saving EMF embedded into HTML as JPEG compressed images

    - fix in DocX reader to un-inherit character styles in paragraphs to text

    + function LockRichtext : Boolean; - Check wethere a scrolling opertaion takes place at this moment

    *** WPTools 9.2.002 - 15.1.2021 ***

    + new demo G) Technology\ResizeDynamic

    - improvment for calculation of size of image in table cell

    - fix resource problem in WPEval

    - improvment for moving objects with touch

    - fix selection markers in normal layout mode

    *** WPTools 9.2.001 - 24.12.2020 ***

    - fix problem with installation

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    *** WPTools 9.2.009' - 25.10.2021 ***

    - fix in ClearTextBetween method

    *** WPTools 9.2.009 - 16.10.2021 ***

    + wpHidePageFrames in ViewOptionsEx2 to hide frames which may be defined in the loaded RTF data

    * improved editing of bookmarks, esspecially bookmark protection and open/close consistency preservation

    * avoid calling object destrucutor if moved to a new line by pressing enter

    There is also a new VCL trial available. Also for Delphi 11 Alexandria.

    Now is a good time to upgrade from WPTools 9.1 or WPTools 8 to WPTools 9.2 since all WPTools orders after 1. Oct 2021 will also qualify for WPTools 9.3.