I have problems with Canvas.ArcTo( ... ) function. On screen everything is fine. With wPDF I always get a vertical line from top of the canvas to the starting point of the arc in the final pdf file. I tried with wPDF 4.81, 4.82 and 5 trial and always got the same result.
It seems that y value of actual pen position is ignored (or assumed to be zero) when drawing the arc.
Arc( ... ) is not an alternative, because it's not working with StrokeAndFillPath in my case.
Is it a bug? Any known workaround?
Best regards,
Here is part of my source code and a screenshot of the result:
WPPDFPrinter1.StartPage( GetDeviceCaps( Printer.Handle , PHYSICALWIDTH ) ,
GetDeviceCaps( Printer.Handle , PHYSICALHEIGHT ) ,
GetDeviceCaps( Printer.Handle , LOGPIXELSX ) ,
GetDeviceCaps( Printer.Handle , LOGPIXELSY ) , 0 );
Canvas := WPPDFPrinter1.Canvas;
Canvas.Pen.Width := 5;
Canvas.Pen.Color := clBlack;
Canvas.MoveTo( 1000 , 500 );
Canvas.ArcTo( 1500 , 500 , 500 , 1500 , 1000 , 500 , 500 , 1000 );
Canvas.Pen.Color := clRed;
Canvas.MoveTo( 1100 , 550 );
Canvas.LineTo( 1050 , 550 );
Canvas.Pen.Color := clBlack;
Canvas.ArcTo( 1550 , 550 , 550 , 1550 , 1050 , 550 , 550 , 1050 );
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[Blocked Image: https://www.ahnenblatt.de/files/wpdf-ArcTo-problem.jpg]