problem with ArcTo(...)

  • I have problems with Canvas.ArcTo( ... ) function. On screen everything is fine. With wPDF I always get a vertical line from top of the canvas to the starting point of the arc in the final pdf file. I tried with wPDF 4.81, 4.82 and 5 trial and always got the same result.

    It seems that y value of actual pen position is ignored (or assumed to be zero) when drawing the arc.

    Arc( ... ) is not an alternative, because it's not working with StrokeAndFillPath in my case.

    Is it a bug? Any known workaround?

    Best regards,


    Here is part of my source code and a screenshot of the result:

    [Blocked Image:]

  • Yes, I use SetArcDirection twice with second parameter AD_COUNTERCLOCKWISE and AD_CLOCKWISE to get a full shape (piece of donut).

    That's how I got the "chaotic" shapes in pdf file.

    Shouldn't the shapes be the same on screen and in pdf?

    - Dirk

  • Any news in my case?

    I still need a solution to get the same shapes in pdf as on screen (the "chaotic" one - the simple one was only for demonstration).

    1. Could you reproduce the situation? You never confirmed that.

    2. Is it a bug in wpdf? Only in 4.8x or also in 5.x?

    3. Which version have you used to get a correct pdf? In my case SetArcDirection changed nothing - I am using 4.8x - but also tried the 5.x trial.

    4. What should I do next?

    5. Can you confirm that an update to 5.x would help? 5.x trial did no change.

    6. Where could I find the changelog of wpdf to check if something was changed?

    - Dirk

  • Again sample code and the result.

    And this is the result (left PaintBox - right pdf file):

    [Blocked Image:]

    How can I get the same result in pdf?

    - Dirk