Since quite some time the code to insert PDF Input fields in the wptools mailmerge before output via pdf does not work anymore.
Does anyone (perhaps Julian) know how to insert the fields during mailmerge
Since quite some time the code to insert PDF Input fields in the wptools mailmerge before output via pdf does not work anymore.
Does anyone (perhaps Julian) know how to insert the fields during mailmerge
I found out how to insert fields
obj := wps.TextObjects.InsertClass('TWPOEditControl', 360*width, 260*height);
if obj.IsImage then begin
obj.ObjRef.ObjName := fieldname;
(obj.ObjRef as TWPOEditControl)._AllowFrame := true;
(obj.ObjRef as TWPOEditControl).Text.Text := ev.Value.AsString;
(obj.ObjRef as TWPOEditControl).Hint := hint;
(obj.ObjRef as TWPOEditControl).PDFFont := TWPOEditControlPDFFont(fontindex);
if not autosize
then (obj.ObjRef as TWPOEditControl).PDFOptions :=
(obj.ObjRef as TWPOEditControl).PDFOptions - [TWPOEditControlOnePDF.wpecAutosizeFont];
(obj.ObjRef as TWPOEditControl).Multiline := multiline;
if multiline
then (obj.ObjRef as TWPOEditControl).FontSize := 10;
Contents.obj := obj.ObjRef.CreateCopy(contents.DataCollection);
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But there is a problem. The Text is shown the first time opened with a backslash-r after the text.
And second problem. I did not find out how to get a checkbox edit to the pdf
I hope you recieved my e-mail.
At present there is no object to create a checkbox for WPTools. This may be a feature in future.