Beiträge von vikasd

    After upgrading to Report Builder 7 (D7 & D6) and installing (manually copying files) the wptools3 components for rbuilder, the ppWPTRichText1 component (including DBaware) within the rbuilder report designer creates a access violation when dropped on the designer.

    Any ideas? ...I am not sure if I have installed them properly. Please help.

    Is it best to upgrade to wpTools4 if using Rbuilder 7?

    May be related...

    when I try to build ppWPToolsPack.bpl, I get...

    [Fatal Error] ppWPToolsPack.dpk(28): Required package 'WPShared_D7' not found

    Removing that compiles to...

    [Fatal Error] DesignEditors.pas(517): File not found: 'Proxies.dcu'

    I can't find Proxies.dcu on my computer D6/D7

    Regards, Vikas