Beiträge von dsi


    Once I have set my picture behind the text (wpobjObjectUnderText), I can't select/move it anymore, also when there is no text over it.

    What's the best way to handle images in background?

    Thanks for you help.

    Thank's for you answer.
    Okay, it's working this way, having in my TWPToolButton the property "StyleName" set to 'WPI_BOLD' instead of using the property "Action".

    But I'd like to work with a TActionList, so I can re-use the action both in my TMainMenu and my TWPToolButton.

    Using the TWPToolsCustomAction TWPABold in the TMainMenu has a correct behavior (menu stay checked if bold), but not in the TWPToolButton (button dosen't stay down if bold).

    Is it possible to get a correct behavior for the TWPToolButton by using the property "Action" only?


    My Bold button is not working the way I would expect.

    When I select a word in my WPRichEdit, the bold button dosen't show the state of the selected word
    - bold button down for a word in bold,
    - bold button up for a word thas is not in bold.

    I have a TWPRichText linked to a TActionList.
    My TActionList has the TWPABold action.
    I have a TWPToolPanel with a TWPToolButton in it.
    My TWPToolButton is linked to this action and has AllowAllUp=true and GroupIndex<>0.

    Any help appreciated.

    Strange behaviour for InputTextFields, disappearing when text is selected over them.

    You can reproduce the problem by drawing several checkboxes separated by line breaks on a TWPRichText (SourceText.InputTextFieldName('FORMCHECKBOX')).

    The selection has to be done on more than one line to hidden an InputTextField.


    NO TEXT SELECTED: 4 visible checkboxes.
    answer 1[x]
    answer 2[x]
    answer 3[x]
    answer 4[x]

    TEXT SELECTED: 2 visible checkboxes,2 hidden checkboxes.
    [selected text]
    answer 1[x]
    answer 2
    answer 3
    answer 4[x][/selected text]

    The behaviour is the same for other InputTextFields, for example SourceText.InputTextFieldName('DATE').

    Thanks for your help!